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API Testing using Postman & RestAssured
Course Price
Rs 6,900 only/- (For International members - $150)
Course length
25 Hours
Industry Expert Trainer
The trainer is having 11+ Years of industry experience and 3+ years experience on API testing & test automation training.
Extensive international experience having worked in the UK and Asia (Malaysia & India) in a wide variety of projects (BFSI), FinTech, CRM, CMS, Automotive, WordPress, e-wallets & Real-Estate industry using manual & automation tools.
Profile Summary:
* Overall 11+ years experience and 8+ years work experience as Test Manager, Test Lead and Test Architect.
* Hands-on experience in both manual & automation testing on Client-Server, Web-based and Mobile applications [Native, React-Native, Hybrid & Mobile Web].
* Experience working in automation tools such as Selenium WebDriver with Java, JavaScript, Cucumber, Appium & XCUITest for mobile & modern Javascript test frameworks Protractor, NightwatchJS, and Cypress.
* Expert knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).
Good knowledge of and experience in Agile Methodology, Water-Fall Model, and V-Model.
* Experience in both Android & iOS platforms (Native, Hybrid & React-Native apps).
* Experience in testing CRM and CMS environment applications such as Drupal, Django, and WordPress.
* Experience in AI Testing, Visual-UI Testing, image recognition, and watermark capture.
* Experience in MongoDB integration test & AWS - DynamoDB, Lambda functions & step functions.
* Experience in developing automation scripts and creating frameworks such as Keyword-Driven, Data-Driven, Hybrid Driven, and Behaviour Driven Development.
* Hands-on experience in penetration testing using BURP-SUITE & OWASP ZAP plugin integration with Jenkins for continuous security testing.
About the course
API testing is a type of software testing that analyzes an application program interface (API) to verify it fulfills its expected functionality, security, performance and reliability. The tests are performed either directly on the API or as part of integration testing.
APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are the connecting tissue between different systems or layers of an application. Applications often have three layers: a data layer, a service (API) layer, and a presentation (UI) layer. The API layer contains the business logic of an application — the rules of how users can interact with services, data, or functions of the app. Because the API or service layer directly touches both the data layer and the presentation layer, it presents the sweet spot of continuous testing for QA and Development teams. While traditional testing has been focused on the UI, the advantages of API testing are becoming well known.
** Course Outline: **
1. What is API?
2. What is API Testing?
Benefits of using APIs.
API Architecture Types
2.1. Types of API
Private or Internal
Composite API
API Management
2.2. Why APIs are important for business?
3. What is REST API and RESTful API?
4. What is SOAP API?
5. What is GraphQL?
6. Diff between REST vs SOAP vs GraphQL.
7. What to test in API testing?
8. HTTP - Fundamentals
What is an Cookies?
What is Authentication?
9. HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Headers
10. HTTP Methods
GET Method
HEAD & TRACE methods
11. How to test an API?
12. API Testing tools in market.
13. How to do API testing using Postman tool.
14. Postman Tutorial
Environment Setup
Environment Variables
Collection Runner
Newman Overview
Run collections using Newman (Command-line execution)
OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Rest Assured enables you to test REST APIs using java libraries and integrates well with Maven. It has very efficient matching techniques, so asserting your expected results is also pretty straight forward. Rest Assured has methods to fetch data from almost every part of the request and response no matter how complex the JSON structures are.
15. How to automate APIs using Rest Assured framework.
What is Rest Assured?
Setup and Installation
Framework Setup
Maven / Gradle
REST Assured
JsonPath validation
XmlPath validation
JSON Schema Validation
Getting Response Data
Extracting values from the Response after validation
JSON (using JsonPath)
XML (using XmlPath)
Single Path
Headers, cookies, status etc
Multi-value headers
Multi-value cookies
Detailed Cookies
Specifying Request Data
Invoking HTTP resources
Multi-value Parameter
No-value Parameter
Path Parameters
Request Body
Response validation
16. Open-Source APIs - Live Projects
e-Commerce domain
IGDB API - Gaming domain
Edamam API - Retail domain etc.,
17. API Performance testing
API Performance tools
18. API Security testing
API Security tools
** Other Deliverables: **
1. Interactive sessions with Q & A, Hands-on-lab
2. API documentation
3. Real-time examples
4. Live projects practice
5. Interview questions and guidance
6. Postman and Rest Assured materials
7. Test Consultation
8. Project Support post training(terms apply)
9. Recordings for life-time