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Cypress -Modern Automation Testing From Scratch + Framework
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Course length
30-35 hours Weekend batches available
Industry Expert Trainer
The trainer is having 10+ Years of industry experience and 3+ years experience on cypress test automation and training.
Extensive international experience having worked in the UK and Asia (Malaysia & India) in a wide variety of projects (BFSI), FinTech, CRM, CMS, Automotive, WordPress, e-wallets & Real-Estate industry using manual & automation tools.
Profile Summary:
* Overall 10+ years experience and 7+ years work experience as Test Manager, Test Lead and Test Architect.
* Hands-on experience in both manual & automation testing on Client-Server, Web-based and Mobile applications [Native, React-Native, Hybrid & Mobile Web].
* Experience working in automation tools such as Selenium WebDriver with Java, JavaScript, Cucumber, Appium & XCUITest for mobile & modern Javascript test frameworks Protractor, NightwatchJS, and Cypress.
* Expert knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).
Good knowledge of and experience in Agile Methodology, Water-Fall Model, and V-Model.
* Experience in both Android & iOS platforms (Native, Hybrid & React-Native apps).
* Experience in testing CRM and CMS environment applications such as Drupal, Django, and WordPress.
* Experience in AI Testing, Visual-UI Testing, image recognition, and watermark capture.
* Experience in MongoDB integration test & AWS - DynamoDB, Lambda functions & step functions.
* Experience in developing automation scripts and creating frameworks such as Keyword-Driven, Data-Driven, Hybrid Driven, and Behaviour Driven Development.
* Hands-on experience in penetration testing using BURP-SUITE & OWASP ZAP plugin integration with Jenkins for continuous security testing.
About the course
Cypress - The most buzzing word in automation world which is expected to play a key role in future for its fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
Because of its Architectural design, Cypress comes with out of box capabilities to bring Stable Automation results for all Modern Web Apps.
It also have the ability to perform Integration testing by mocking incoming network responses.
For Test Debugging, Cypress takes Screenshot by default for every test step and generate execution Mp4 video after every test run
What Will You Get ?
1. By end of the course, You will be able to build fast and reliable Automation tests for any Web Application using Cypress
2. Understand how to perform Integration testing with Cypress
3. Practical knowledge in designing Cypress Automation framework from scratch
4. Learn XHR/API testing using Cypress for building smart Automation tests with mock responses
5. Complete understanding of Cypress Components for generating test execution Videos ,Screenshots & Reporting.
** Javascript Topics: **
1. Variables, Constants
2. Arrays
3. Loops
4. Conditions
5. ES6 module
6. Promises
7. CallbackFn
8. async/await
9. Classes
10. Enum
11. Collections etc.,
** Pre-Requisites: **
nodejs installation
Package Manager - npm or yarn
** Locator Strategy: **
1. How to handle DOM objects
2. How to create XPath and CSS custom locators and
3. chrome extensions to generate locators. Eg: Selectorshub and truepath
4. Cypress Playground
** VS Code IDE: **
1. VS Code usage
2. VS code plugins
3. VS Code shortcuts
** Cypress Course Outline: **
1. Introduction, Architecture, Features, Pros & Cons
2. Cypress Installation & project Setup
3. Introduction to Cypress Test Runner and command line features
4. Getting started with Cypress Test Automation
5. Deep diving into Cypress Commands and its Asynchronous Nature
6. Handling Web UI Controls using Cypress
a. Date Picker handling
b. Pagination handling
c. ShadowDOM handling
d. Write and Read file
e. Slider’s handling
f. WebTable handling
g. Tabs & Window handling
h. Radio buttons/Checkboxes handling
i. Dropdown handling
j. DragNDrop handling
k. File upload & download handling etc.,
7. Advance Automation to handling Alerts, popups, Child Windows using Cypress-Jquery
8. Understand limitations of Frames & Child windows in Cypress
9. Cypress Framework Part 1- Understanding Fixtures and Custom commands
10. Cypress Framework Part 2- Page object Design & Test Parameterization
11. Cypress Framework Part 3- Configuration properties & Environmental variables
12. Cypress Framework Part 4- Dashboard feature with Video recording & Screenshots
13. Cypress Framework Part 5- Building npm Scripts and Integration to Jenkins
Framework Design 1- Components
Cypress-mocha framework using below patterns --
Page Object Model design patterns
Stateless functions
Data-Driven testing using JSON file (fixtures)
ES6 Classes
Spec file execution
Framework Design 2
Cypress-mocha framework using below patterns --
Page Object Model design patterns
Facade Design Pattern using ES6 Classes - getters
Data-Driven testing using JSON or excel file
Custom Commands
Spec file execution
Framework Design 3 - Components
Cypress-mocha framework using below patterns --
ES6 Tags & labels
Custom Commands
ES6 text labels
DDT - env file for credentials
Spec file invoking
Framework Design 4
Cypress-mocha framework using below patterns --
ES6 Tags & labels
Generic Functions
Spec file invoking
14. API testing with Cypress
b. Chaining API calls
c. Passing payloads using fixtures
15. BDD - Cucumber framework implementation.
• Get started
o Installation
o Cypress Configuration
o Configuration
• How to organize the tests
o Single feature files
o Bundled features files
o Step definitions
 Step definitions creation
 Reusable step definitions
• How to write tests
o Cucumber Expressions
o Given/When/Then functions
o Data table parameters
o Custom Parameter Type Resolves
o Before and After hooks
o Background section
o Sharing context
o Smart tagging
• How to run the tests
o Running tagged tests
o Ignoring specific scenarios using tags when executing test runner
o Output
16. Cypress Studio usage
17. Mocha framework implementation
Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.
• Getting Started
• Run Cycle Overview
• Detects Multiple Calls to done()
• Assertions
• Asynchronous Code
• Synchronous Code
• Arrow Functions
• Hooks
• Pending Tests
• Exclusive Tests
• Inclusive Tests
• Retry Tests
• Dynamically Generating Tests
• Timeouts
18. Cypress limitations, trade-offs, and workarounds
19. Assertions
a. Why do we need Assertions?
b. Chai Assertions & Cypress Examples
c. Adding Assertions to our Existing Tests
d. Cypress Contains
20. Cross-browser testing and browser launchoptions usage
a. Headless Browser execution
b. Non-Headless Browser execution
21. Cypress logging and test-runner debugging
22. Mouse Events
a. Scroll into View
b. Drag & Drop
c. Double Click
d. Right click Assertions
e. Trigger events
22. Working with Cypress Plugins
a. Cypress Official Plugins
b. Cypress 3rd party plugins
23. Cypress Dashboard usage and analytics
24. Configuring & Handling Timeouts
a. URL Timeouts
b. Explicit Timeouts
c. Assertion Timeouts
d. Wait
24. Test Data handling using fixtures
a. JSON file
b. Excel file
c. CSV file
d. images and txt file
25. Environment & Global Variables
a. Prerequisites
b. Environment Variables
c. Setting up a Base URL
d. Default config settings
26. Reporting
a. Mochawesome Reporter
b. Mochawesome - Merging Reports GitHub
c. Allure reports
d. Cucumber HTML reports
Git Source Control Versioning:
1. Git repos
2. Git commits & merge
3, Git pull & push
4. Git commands
5. SourceTree tool usage
6. Git branching strategy
** Advance Training Topics: **
1. Gitlab CI/CD integration
2. Cloud testing using Browserstack, SauceLabs
3. Database testing using MySQL connector
4. Gmail Email API integration
5. Configuring 4 different design patterns with Page Object Model
6. Stubs and XHR network capture controls
a. Mocking & Stubbing network calls
7. Cypress using Typescript integration
8. Github Actions/Jenkins/Circle CI pipeline integration
9. Docker images usage
10. Component testing using Cypress
11. GraphQL queries
12. Social logins usage eg: Facebook/LinkedIn
13. Performance testing using Cypress
14. Session Management using cy.session()
15. Testing PDF files using Cypress
16. JQuery commands & locators
17. Cypress Dashboard Analytics
18. Visual testing using Cypress
19. Cy.origin() usage
20. Cookies Handling
** Other Deliverables: **
1. Interactive sessions & Hands-on-lab
2. Cypress-Cookbook documentation
3. Real-time examples
4. Live projects practice
5. Interview questions and guidance
6. Javascript & Cypress materials
7. Test Consultation
8. Project Support post training(terms apply)
9. Recordings for life-time