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Selenium Scratch to Advance Training
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Course length
60 days
Expert Trainer
The trainer is having 12+ Years of industry experience and 5+ years experience on selenium test automation and training.
Extensive international experience having worked in the UK and Asia (Malaysia & India) in a wide variety of projects (BFSI), FinTech, CRM, CMS, Automotive, WordPress, e-wallets & Real-Estate industry using manual & automation tools.
Profile Summary:
* Overall 12+ years experience and 8+ years work experience as Test Manager, Test Lead and Test Architect.
* Hands-on experience in both manual & automation testing on Client-Server, Web-based and Mobile applications [Native, React-Native, Hybrid & Mobile Web].
* Experience working in automation tools such as Selenium WebDriver with Java, JavaScript, Cucumber, Appium & XCUITest for mobile & modern Javascript test frameworks Protractor, NightwatchJS, and Cypress.
* Expert knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).
Good knowledge of and experience in Agile Methodology, Water-Fall Model, and V-Model.
* Experience in both Android & iOS platforms (Native, Hybrid & React-Native apps).
* Experience in testing CRM and CMS environment applications such as Drupal, Django, and WordPress.
* Experience in AI Testing, Visual-UI Testing, image recognition, and watermark capture.
* Experience in MongoDB integration test & AWS - DynamoDB, Lambda functions & step functions.
* Experience in developing automation scripts and creating frameworks such as Keyword-Driven, Data-Driven, Hybrid Driven, and Behaviour Driven Development.
* Hands-on experience in penetration testing using BURP-SUITE & OWASP ZAP plugin integration with Jenkins for continuous security testing.
About the course
*** Course Coverage: ***
1. Java Advance Topics
2. Selenium Automation
3. API Testing
4. Performance Testing
5. SQL Topics
6. Python Programming
7. Manual Testing Topics
8. Materials and Documentation
9. Interview Preparation and Guidance
10. Recordings for life-term
11. Assessments and Q&A
Overview and Installation
1. Overview on Automation
2. Complete installation guide for Java and Eclipse IDE
3. Complete installation guide for Selenium WebDriver
4. Configuration of Selenium WebDriver along with Chrome
"Intro to JAVA Configure JAVA and Eclipse
Data Types:
Data Type Conversion"
Classes and Objects:
"Naming Conventions Constructors
Types of Variables Types of Methods
static keyword main method"
Control Statements:
"If else Switch For While Do while
Break Continue"
Intro to Inheritance Child and Parent Class Use of extends
"Method Overloadin Method Overriding Use of Super
Use of final Overloading Main Method"
Abstract Class Interfaces
Encapsulation - Getters and Setters Access Modifiers
"String Usage String Concatenation
String Buffer
String Builder Buffer vs Builder"
File Handling:
"Reading a file Writing to a file File Reader File Writer
Buffered Reader Buffered Writer Apache POI"
JAVA Exceptions
Exception Handling Muliple Exceptions Run time vs Checked
Collections :
"Introduction ArrayList LinkedList HashSet HashMap Enumeration
Traversing in Collections Which collection to use"
"Intro to JAVA Configure JAVA and Eclipse
Data Types
Data Type Conversion"
Test Evaluation
Interview questions and guidance
Selenium and its Components
Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation)
Test Automation Types (Unit Testing, API Testing, GUI Testing)
Test Automation Frameworks, Tools & Process
Test Automation Process
Locators Used in selenium
1. Class
2. Name
3. ID
4. Text
5. Link Text
6. Xpath
7. CSS
Handling of Standard Web Elements
1. Check Box List
2. Drop Down List
3. Radio Button List
4. Button
5. Text Box
6. Link
Synchronization in Selenium WebDriver
1. Implicit Wait
2. Explicit Wait
3. Fluent Wait
Ajax Action Class
1. Mouse Interaction
2. Hovering to target element
3. Key Board Actions
Handling of Multiple Windows and Tabs
1. Windows
2. Tabs
1. Handling of frames
2. Switching from one frame to other
TestNG Frame Work
1. Test NG and its advantages
Apache POI
1. Creating Work Book
2. Creating Work Sheet
3. Writing Data to Excel
4. Reading Data from Excel
Components of Selenium Suite
Types of Testing
Selenium vs. Other Testing Tools
Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
Selenium Webdrivers and Locators
Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
Evolution of Selenium WebDriver & Advantage of Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver Architecture
Introduction to Web elements
Locating Web elements using various Locators (ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, and XPath)
"Intro to JAVA Configure JAVA and Eclipse
Data Types
Data Type Conversion"
Selenium Commands Selenium Commands in WebDriver
Interacting with Web Elements
Performing Actions on Web Elements
Types of Waits in Selenium
Building customization methods using waits
TestNg Framework Introduction to TestNG and JUnit
Installing TestNG Plug-in in Eclipse
Rules to write TestNG
Annotations, Grouping and Sequencing
Handling web UI elements Verifying Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver
What is an IFrame? Identifying an IFrame
Switching to IFrames using Selenium WebDriver
Actions Class and Action Interface
Methods for handling Keyboard and Mouse based interactions
Testing Drag and Drop and Mouse Hover functionality using Actions Class
What are Alerts? Types of Alerts and Alert Interface methods
Handling Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations using Select Class
What is a Modal Dialog Box? Handling Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
Handling Multiple Windows and Multiple Tabs using Selenium WebDriver
Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor
Selenium Grid
Introduction to Selenium Grid, Grid Architecture
Selenium IDE
What is Selenium IDE? Features of Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE Interface
"Why Page Object Model?
What is Page Object Model?
What is Page Factory?
Logging Framework
Introduction to Log4J
Usage of Log4J
Advance Automation Frameworks
1. Data-Driven Framework
2. Keyword-Driven Framework
3. Hybrid Testing Framework
4. BDD Framework
Continuous Integration (CI/CD)
1. Maven
2. Jenkins
3. GIT & GitHub
4. Github Actions
Extent Reports
Introduction to Reports and Types of Reports
What are extent Reports and its basic configuration?
Importance of Maven in Framework development
Installing and configuring Maven
Creating Maven Project and Understanding its Terminologies
Understanding POM.xml file and its dependencies
Introduction to Selenium Frameworks and types of Selenium Frameworks
Apache POI and Download Instructions
"Introduction to Data-Driven Test Framework and create sample project"
BDD Framework
Introduction to BDD and Advantages and Limitations of BDD
Cucumber/Specflow Fundamentals
Gherkin Syntax in BDD
Step Definition for Cucumber/Specflow Feature File
Advantages of Cucumber/Specflow
Test Evaluation
Interview questions and guidance
Python Basics
"Overview Setup
Basic Syntax Variables Operators"
Control Flow
Decision Making Loops
Data Types
"Numbers String Lists Tupes Dictionary
Date and Time"
"Functions Classes and Objects
Modules File IO
Test Evaluation
*** SQL TOPICS ***
SQL Intro
SQL Syntax
DDL Create Drop Alter Truncate
DML "Insert
Update Delete"
DCL Grant Revoke
TCL Commit Rollback
DQL Select
Database Create Drop Rename Select
"Intro to JAVA Configure JAVA and Eclipse
Data Types
Data Type Conversion"
"Unique Distinct Count Top First Last Random Multiple Date Sum Null where and
or with
Order By"
Insert Update Delete
Joins Left Join Right Join Outer Join
Full Join Cross Join"
Test Evaluation
Interview questions and guidance
Software Testing Principles
Types of Testing
Manual, Automation Functional, Non Functional White Box, Black Box
Levels of Testing
SDLC Models
Agile, Waterfall, Spiral
White Box Techniques
"Data Flow Testing Control Flow Testing Branch Coverage Statement Coverage
Decision Coverage"
Black Box Techniques
"Decision Table All-pair
State Transition Use-Case"
Types of NF Testing
"Performance Usability Security Compatibility etc"
Test Case Development
"Requirement Analysis Scenario Identification TC Scripting RTM"
Testing Techniques
"Error Guessing
Equivalence Partioning Boundary Value Analysis"
Test Management
Test Plan TC Review RTM
Defect Tracking
Bug Life Cycle Severity & Priority"
Other types of Testing
Test Evaluation
Interview questions and guidance