Fastest-growing global community
Community & Charity Together
Our Charity helps raise funds through various programs and initiatives, and we’d love for you to get involved with QA TECHTALKS community. We depend on your support in order to improve lives and make the world a better place for generations to come. Join us today to learn all about volunteering and donating options.
We work hard every day to better the lives of our charity's recipients through our many causes — including Feeding people, Educating the Homeless children, Fighting Poverty, and Disencourage child begging . Learn more about our efforts and how working together can make a lasting impact! Contact us if you’d like more information on how to donate or volunteer.
Founded in 2020, QA TECHTALKS community inspires action and supports communities. We’re driven by a firm belief in the power of humanity, and we work hard to ease the burdens faced by those we work with. Join us to make the community you live in a better one where people of all ages and backgrounds get a fair chance in life.
QA TechTalks Donation to Generation Yuvva Organisation:
There really is no reason to wait when it comes to doing a good deed. Discover some of the great programs and initiatives we lead at the QA TECHTALKS community, and see how you can help make a difference in the lives of people in the community. For more information, get in touch with us.
1. Educating and feeding the needy
2. Disencourage child begging
QA TechTalks Charity donation to COVID-19 impacted people:
QA TECHTALKS community works tirelessly to provide quality, direct solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting our community's current situation. Our most significant causes are those that are often brushed aside by most. Our battle is against COVID-19, and we would love for you to become part of that change today.
1. Supporting the impacted people due to COVID-19
2. Feeding the needy
3. Providing financial support for jobless due to lockdown
Donate to us so that we can help and reach more people who are needy
Since our inception, we’ve worked around the clock to expand our causes and help those who need our help. Every contribution goes toward making our world a better place, so if you’re looking to contribute a donation or your time, please get in touch today. Making a positive difference has never been so easy.
QA TechTalks has been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help individuals in our area. Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services, and we strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance. Get in touch to learn how you can make a difference at our Food Charity.
Every single penny helps and supports the needy. Make a difference!
Charity Volunteers - who are impacted due to COVID-19
Listen to the story of a jobless volunteer whose regular life and work is impacted due to COVID-19 and lockdown.